June 08, 2002: By the Salem Comic

Rolf and Lexie kept poking their heads out from behind the curtain in the confessional during the christening. Nobody noticed this. Lexie wasn't noticed until she saved Zack from the Hell water that Rolf had concocted for him. She ran out of the confessional, screaming like a banshee. Then she knocked the goblet out of the priest's hand, and turned over the baptismal font. That scene was absolutely priceless. She looked like a total mental case. Well, Lexie is a mental case, but you know what I mean. And of course nobody saw Rolf leave while all of this was going on. These people are idiots.

Collin gave Lexie a sedative, but she still didn't calm down. I don't understand why they just let Lexie lie there on the gurney and scream like that. As soon as they put her on the gurney, they should have rolled her out of the church.

Nicole should trust Victor's suspicion of Collin. Something just isn't right about that guy. It's great that Victor cares enough about Nicole to warn her about Collin, even though she blew him off to start the relationship that never was with Austin. That's love.

Why is everybody so hot for Jennifer? Jennifer is cute, but she's not drop-dead gorgeous. I don't see anything sexy about her either. Actually, she's kinda frumpy. Since she has all of a sudden become the Salem Sex Pot, it would make sense for her to sport some nicer hairstyles and revamp her wardrobe.

Lexie got committed. Heehee. Abe was walking away from the room and she was beating on the door of the hospital room for Abe, begging him not to leave her in there. He couldn't hear a word she was saying because the room was soundproof. AH-HA! She should have known that the door was soundproof since she works at the hospital. Well, she used to. She hasn't been to work in about two years, so maybe she forgot about that. Anyway, she was basically screaming and wearing herself out for no reason other than the fact that she's totally lost her mind. How sad.

As I was watching on Tuesday, I thought it was odd that nobody noticed that the rattle and the jack-in-the-box were delivered by a courier at the EXACT SAME TIME, and wrapped in the EXACT SAME WRAPPING PAPER with the EXACT SAME RIBBON? Anybody with common sense, not to mention three police officers (i.e. Bo, Roman, and Abe), would have figured out that both presents were from the same person.

Caroline and Hope were going on and on about how cute that jack-in-the-box was. "Oh, Zack's going to love this!" WHAT?! That was the ugliest jack-in-the-box I've ever seen in my life. That thing looked demonic. Come to think of it, it looked like Rolf, only uglier. Can you imagine that? Uglier than Rolf?! I hope Zack doesn't start having nightmares because of that thing. Then the icing on the cake was when Pop Shawn said, "I had one just like that when I was a lad." He must have had a terrible childhood.

Bo, Hope, and Zack came into the house just as Shawn was saying how he wished he hadn't lied about being Jan's baby daddy. Bo, Hope, and Zack all had a look of complete and utter shock on their faces. Zack's mouth was wide open, almost like he understood what was going on. I didn't notice this when I was watching the show, but I saw a screen capture of it on the Days 2 Board. It was hilarious! I'm glad Bo and Hope didn't just sweep Shawn's trangressions under the rug like they normally do. Hope kept the situation in check and handled things in a very resolute manner.

Jan's mom did a complete 180. I guess her talk with Hope had an effect on her. It's hard to believe she would change for the better THAT fast, but I'm not going to dispute it. I'm just glad she came around. Now she and Jan can have the loving mother-biatch relationship that they never dreamed they would have.

Belle needs to stop feeling sorry for herself. She found out about Shawn and Jan months ago. Belle and Shawn are over and she obviously still loves him because she can't get over it. EVERYTHING reminds her of Shawn. Brady makes fun of her hair. Shawn used to make fun of her hair too. Okay. SOMEBODY is WAY too sensitive.

Party over here, ain't nothin' over there!!! Nothin' but Jan! Way over there, in London, across the pond, never to be seen or heard from ever again!!!! YAY!!! The Salem Comic does a happy dance. PAR-TAY!!! PAR-TAY!!!

Belle pretty much put all her business in the streets on Thursday. She went off on Shawn in front of the majority of the senior class. Shawn told her about Jan's moving to London, and he tried to tell her the WHOLE truth this time. She didn't wanna hear it though. The little altercation was quite amusing. Shawn kept trying to get her to lower her voice, but she didn't realize she had an audience until it was too late. Everybody was staring, clearly amused. She ran out out of embarrassment. Even if she had roasted him in the hallway, where they were before, everybody would have heard her as loud as she was.

What was Sami thinking when she asked Jennifer when the last time she had sex was? Is she crazy? If I were Jennifer, I would have asked Sami when the last time SHE had sex was? Then she wouldn't ask anybody else that question.

Brandon pulled a fast one on Jack and Sami. I'm interested in finding out where Brandon plans for Jack and Sami to end up going. They'll probably make their way to Green Mountain Lodge anyway though.

Why wasn't Victor there to see Philip graduate? As I recall, Victor stayed on Philip's case when his grades started slipping. Since Philip was able to pull his grades up high enough to be selected as one of the top five percent of his class, which I find hard to believe, Victor should have been there for him.

Hope was taping Shawn going up to get his diploma, and she looked a little befuddled because she wasn't seeing anything. It turns out she forgot to take the cap off the camera. HAHAHAHA!!! If Bo hadn't noticed and taken the cap off, Hope might have still been there trying to figure out what was wrong with the camera.

Chloe fainted in Philip's arms and it looked like she was trying to put the moves on him. Brady saw them from across the room and was taking it all in. HEE! He didn't look too pleased either.

All in all, the graduation episode was really good. I liked all the speeches and they were very well presented. And the best thing about it was... no more Salem High!!! WOOHOO!

Here's where I put my two cents in.
You don't have to go home...