July 18, 2002: by the Salem Comic

It was funny when Craig went in to check up on Chloe and Brady was hiding under the bed. Brady had dropped his wallet and was trying to reach it. Craig was standing on his hand. HAHA!

Philip found Brady in bed with Chloe!! HAHA! That's what you get! He made one of the ugliest faces I've ever seen after that. I was very amused. What does Philip think Brady and Chloe were doing? Philip really has problems if he thinks that Brady would take advantage of Chloe in her current condition.

Billie does NOT look young enough to be Kate's daughter. She looks like she's Kate's younger sister who doesn't look like her at all. I'll have to see them interact more to decide whether or not I like them together.

It would be better if we got flashbacks of stuff that happened weeks, months, and years in the past, instead of stuff that happened two or three episodes ago.We had more than our share of retrospective crap this week. I really didn't want to see that alien nonsense again. Every time Belle and Shawn said something, we got a flashback. Abe had flashbacks about Lexie telling him off because he wouldn’t give "Stefano" back to her. Then Philip had flashbacks of Brady and Chloe in bed together and made that ugly face again. Then he pitched a fit in the alley. SOMEBODY needs Paxil. BTW, all these flashbacks were on the SAME DAY. WHY?!

Nancy and Chloe's conversation was a breath of fresh air. It’s amazing how the threat of death has made Chloe abandon her witch ways. She's changed for the better. I'm glad I don't have to sit through constant bickering anymore.

I kind of like the idea of Brandon and Lexie dating. They could be a good couple if Lexie weren't so crazy. My stomach didn't churn once when he was feeding her fruit.

The Salemites think that "Jane Doe" is an alien. Her car must be the UFO then. Okay. Who passed the blunt? Just because she drove into a huge meteor crater does not mean that she is an extraterrestrial. She's just extra stupid.

Belle and Shawn, those aliens that you saw were not naked. Quit telling people that! Those little silver numbers they were wearing didn't leave much to the imagination, but Cassie and Rex were not NAKED. Belle and Shawn seemed pretty excited about the alien's "nakedness" too. "Ooh, we saw aliens. NAKED aliens!" Oh yeah, that's smart. Tell them you gave mouth to mouth to naked people. That'll ease your parents' worries.

John: "You gave mouth to mouth to people you don't even know! You don't know where they've been!"
Belle: "They weren't people-"
Shawn: "They were aliens."
Marlena, Hope, and Bo: "Well, as long as they weren't people."

Thank you, John! At least he's concerned about Belle and Shawn's health. Belle and Shawn's parents should have insisted that they go to the hospital and get tested immediately. There's no telling what kind of disease(s) Rex and Cassie might have.

I'm sick of Knuckleman!! What is the point of this? Doesn't he have a job? He goes around cracking knuckles everyday. Somebody should tell him that cracking your knuckles can cause arthritis. He could crack nuts, juggle, or do magic tricks, anything but this stupid knuckle cracking.

That is NOT Bo and Hope's house. There's no front porch, no flowers, no shrubs, and no trellis. I thought their house had a canal or something behind it. TPTB would have done better to leave these exterior shots out.

The look Tony had on his face during his catatonic state was hysterical.

If I were Jennifer, I would have bitten Collin when he grabbed her from behind and put his hand over her mouth. I wish those aliens would abduct Collin. They can abduct Roman and Philip too.

My interpretation of Hope's testimony at Lexie's hearing: Hello, my name is Hope ME. I love ME and you love ME. Not really. Lexie's betrayal hurt ME most because she was one of my best friends. She hurt my family too, but she especially hurt ME. How could she do this to ME? I can't forgive Lexie because of what she did to ME. I want to forgive Lexie because that is the only way that I can be ME, I mean free. ME, ME, ME!!! Thank you, your honor. ME.

Do you see a pattern?

Why is Jennifer always defending Collin? She doesn't even like him. Every time she's in the room with him, she wants to get away from him. I smell hypocrisy. While we're on the subject of Jennifer and Collin, why does she always call him by first and last name? I'm getting sick of her saying Dr. Collin Murphy every time she mentions him. Why doesn't she just call him Collin? She has a similar problem with constantly calling Abby baby, but I won't get into that.

Is Lexie trying to blackmail Sami now? What does Lexie have on her? Nothing. Stupid waste of dialogue. Sami rolled her eyes and walked away after that. She's none too scared. Who would be scared of LEXIE anyway? What can SHE do? "You leave me alone, I'll get Rolf on you!" Never mind. That is kinda scary.

Here's where I put my two cents in.
You don't have to go home...