July 09, 2002: By the Salem Comic

Belle took Caprice WAY too seriously when Caprice said that events like meteor showers could change the course of the universe and even people's lives. That was so corny. There is speculation on several message boards that when Belle and Shawn ran into each other, they ended up dreaming up the whole alien incident. Besides, Shawn and Belle were the first to see the spaceship land, giving us reason to believe that it was part of their dream. I hope that's true because this storyline is totally ridiculous. The special effects are so cheesy. The meteors tumbling toward toward Belle and Shawn looked like big slow-moving dirt clumps. Actually, it looked like a screen saver. Dirt in Space. Hopefully that screen saver will never be made.

People in Salem are strange. When you visit someone in Salem, you say that you brought a person who is assumed to be dead with you, when you really brought a jar full of sawdust. Abe went to Lexie's hotel room and brought her "father" with him. Okay. He could have just said that he brought Stefano's remains with him. And after Lexie got "Father" back, she told Brandon that she wouldn't go anywhere with him without "Father". Okay, Lexie. I know "Father" is sacred to you, but you don't have to take "him" everywhere you go.

Roman got back from Aremid pretty fast, didn't he? I meant to mention this last week, but shouldn't the police department have already known that "Stefano" would be of no help to them in finding out if Stefano is really dead or not BEFORE they ran tests on "him"? I know John said that he knew someone who had a way of getting DNA from just about anything, but you can't get DNA from SAWDUST. Come on, now!

Well, I guess Caroline is very sad that Tony broke her favorite, I mean Zack's favorite toy. She forced JT to play with that ugly thing. It seemed like Zack actually LIKED it though. To the hideous jack-in-the-box, I say good-bye and good riddance. You will NOT be missed.

Why did Belle and Shawn just stand there as dirt was coming toward them? Everyone else did something equally stupid and ran into the house. If the meteor crashed, it would be more dangerous being in the house if it collapsed on everyone than it would be to stay outside. They all should just have just lain out on the ground. And wouldn't everybody know beforehand that dirt, err meteors were heading for Salem? Wouldn't NASA be monitoring the meteor shower? It should have been on the news all over the world. At least the Salem PD should have known about it. This show makes absolutely no sense sometimes.

I thought Billie was going to return to Days in a way no other character has returned before. Her car crashed in a meteor crater. Big whoop! How did Collin know all that stuff about Billie before they cut the car up so they could get to her? Why was Collin at the scene anyway? That dude is everywhere! He and Craig must be the only doctors on staff at the hospital. I am really sick of Collin. He's shady. He doesn't have chemistry with ANYONE, and he can't act worth poop. What the #$%& do Nicole and Jennifer want with him?!

If you're going to go up to a lookout point, that's on a cliff, you might not wanna wear high heels, Belle. That would explain why you've been falling so much lately. Belle did NOT need to hit her head again. She is rattled enough as it is.

Nicole tried to push Victor off a cliff and fell off herself. Heehee. I bet she won't do that again. It would have been stupid for Nicole to kill Victor there anyway. The limo driver would have been a witness.

Shouldn't John have been arrested for breaking-and-entering and burglary? He broke into the Dimera mansion and stole the blue key. Then he went to the police station and told Abe and Roman what he did. Tony should have pressed charges.

John needs to stop paying so much attention to the key, and pay more attention to Marlena. She might get jealous. He's obsessed with it. He looks at it constantly, like he's in love with it or something. "Oh, Key. You're so sexy and blue. I can't wait to get you into bed." Blech. John's key lust is getting old fast.

Here's where I put my two cents in.
You don't have to go home...